Monday 4 December 2017

Pick a Path

In Rm 20 we have all created a pick a path.

Click here

Pe Game

Matthew, Jim, Daniel and I have been creating a Pe game for all of the class to play.
The game we came up with is Four way game of capture the flag with no mans land in the middle and each team had one defender which has a noodle.


Looking out at the horizon I picture myself beyond my view.
In a world where reality is truly something in fairy tales, something that catches your breath the first time you're there.

A sigh of relief fills the halls of Greenfield high, as the first simmister finishes.

We look outside after the six hard hours of work and all take in on how poorly that year had been.

I bike home with my best friend Dan and we stop of at the nearest generator knowing we shouldn't be there. These generators produce the quantum particles that create our force field that protects us from what the government call Renvers  the type of creatures or “things’ that you don't want to run into. We both look at each other and climb on the pipes to the top of the 3 meter tall bronze dome.

At the top we gaze out at the city and imagine the littest end of year high   school party. Suddenly our thoughts are interrupted and we hair cracking from behind. We turn around not knowing what to expect and then it happens the whole force field shatters to the ground covering the city in a bright blue blanket. This then leads to screaming blackouts and even death. The Renvers  are spreading out through the city. Dan yells out at me to duck but i'm to attracted by the sights and a great big shard from the force field  jabs me in the left shoulder cutting in 4 inches deep.I start running into an old shed and dan splits up with me and keeps on running into the city. I sit down looking at my shoulder the shard is sort of vibrating then it dissolves into nothing. I see some powder but not much enter my forearm wound and i get a tingle running up my spine.My vision fades and I can't feel my arms or my legs. My breath is heavy and the screams from the city echo around my mind and then all that once was is now nothing. The end

Tuesday 15 August 2017

For the past week we in room 20 have been all working on persuaive writing.

Flies, disease spreading, ugly, worthless, insects, or are they? All of you that think House flies are disgusting you're wrong.

See flies are a key role to most animals and plants survival on earth. Flies are the most wanted prey so just say there were no flies what would spiders eat, they would eat insects but they would slowly die because they don't get the protein they need.Adult Flies and their larvae eat rotting matter such as dung and dead animal which is bad for the environment and who wouldn't want to save the environment.They are a food source of spiders birds and other insects and are a main link in the food chain.

Money, Toys, no need, all you need is a good size jar which you could find in your cupboard or local supermarket.Flies compared to many other animals like HEDGEHOGS don't cost that much.See Hedgehogs cost an average of 3500 dollars every three years and that's not even food that's just getting it vaccinated for diseases and compared to flies which cost close to nothing.Although the normal house fly lives a life span of 28 days on average but if you think about it 28 days is actually a long time, 28 days is 2,419,200 seconds you can spend with your cute, loving, amazing fly.

You've got to say that one point in your life you've dreamt of  having a superpower and you know that that will never happen so the closes you can get is a FLY.Now flies can fly no pun intended walk upside down vomit acid And that's a good thing I think and plus they spread diseases and that's a bad thing but when a housefly lands on you have you ever even got infected or even got sick? So, now what are flies.

Flies, loving, caring insects, that's what they are.So why not have a fly for a pet there environmentally safe, cost friendly, and have super powers everything you've ever wanted.So once again Flies are a great pet for you.

Monday 7 August 2017

My Name

Today I learned my name in chinese.


Wo jiao=My name

Xin Xi lan ren=New Zealand

I like learning Mandarin because I think languages are
 a main part in traveling and I want to travel when i'm older.

Monday 24 July 2017


Get Ready Get Thru Click here for Get thru Website say that we need to be prepared with an Emergency torch/light.

Thursday 29 June 2017

Picasso Artwork

Picasso Art

This week Room 20 Have been busy creating our Picasso artwork which I loved creating.
Picasso is a well known artiest which pushed the limits of art work with his shapes and uncanny colour concepts which took the world buy storm.But unfortunately Picasso died on the 8th of April 1973 and lived a great life span of 91 years.

Firstly we got to choose our face features from Roll a Picasso or off the Picasso Head website.
Next we got a A3 piece of paper and drew the face shape we wanted. Then we coloured our face  and face features. finally we coloured in the  background and we stuck on the face features to the paper.